Fellowship Meetings



It was a first for those who have unintentionally killed or injured someone: an in-person gathering for support and friendship.
The Hyacinth Fellowship (THF), a global nonprofit organization serving the needs of individuals who have unintentionally killed or injured someone, hosted its first, in-person conference on October 25 – 26 in Southfield, Michigan.
The theme of the two-day conference was The Journey to Peace. It attracted people from all over North America and featured sessions led by THF members. Sessions included a yoga workshop and discussions on “What it Means to be at Peace with Your Past, Your Community of Support and Learning to Have a Better Relationship with Yourself.”
The event culminated with the launch of the organization’s first book, Accidental Killing: A Survivor’s Handbook, written by the late THF founder Maryann Jacobi Gray and Board President Reverend Chris Yaw, on Saturday, October 26.
“This first-ever in-person conference and release of our book are very significant milestones for The Hyacinth Fellowship community,” says Yaw, himself an accidental killer. “While our members have been meeting regularly on-line over the past four years, this conference offers an incredible opportunity to deepen relationships with individuals who share a unique bond.”
Media were invited  to attend the book launch on Saturday, October 26.

Fellowship Meetings

Monthly Fellowship Meetings

Our monthly online Fellowship Meetings are the heart of our offerings. This immensely popular gathering was launched in April 2020 for fellowship and peer support. We have met every month since to discuss a variety of topics relevant to our community and to share our stories. People from all over the world – the United States, Canada, Europe, the UK and parts of Asia – regularly participate in the calls.

Since that first meeting, we have developed close bonds and empathy for one another – critical elements in our collective paths toward self-forgiveness, self-compassion and healing.

The overall goal of our fellowship meetings is to offer individuals who have caused unintentional harm and their family members a safe space to listen, learn, and share if they are so inclined. Safeguards are in place to protect privacy and confidentiality.

There is no cost to participate. Invitations to participate are sent to our mailing list. RSVPs are required in order to receive the secure Zoom link. Register here to be on our mailing list.


Upcoming Meetings

Our meetings are held on the third Sunday of the month, from 2:00 to 3:30 PM Pacific Standard Time.

Upcoming Meetings:

  • November 17 –During this fellowship time we will discuss In-person Encounters: Have you ever met anyone else with this experience? Reflections on Our In-Person Gathering. We will hear from members regarding their experiences and reflections of the 2024 In-Person Gathering. In addition, all members are welcome to share their life experiences of meeting others who have caused unintentional harm or death to another person.
  • December 15
  • January 19
  • February 16

Ben Clague

Ben Patey

Brooke Ely

Hilary Welty

Jennifer Eikenhorst

Keith McCauley

Mary Kay Hamalainen 

Melissa Mannion

Shannon Swieca


Contact Us

Reach out to us to learn more about how The Hyacinth Fellowship is helping people across the world to recover, learn, grow, and thrive.